Saturday, October 5


Where did the ecological funds go?

The Maiduguri flooding disaster has forced Nigerians to start asking questions. Seeing the magnitude of the catastrophe and how helpless the state government is, people are wondering, ‘Wait a minute, what about the ecological fund? Was it not supposed to…

Nigeria and the China option, By Zainab Suleiman Okino

Nigerians want to see China’s much-vaunted technological advancement replicated in Africa through mutual collaboration. However, we all must shun corruption and embrace transparency, moving forward. China should not take advantage of the greed of a few unpatriotic Nigerians. Optics matter.…

A nexus of credit, dreams, and empowerment, By Fredrick Nwabufo

President Bola Tinubu President Tinubu’s vision is to spread prosperity, create a robust credit system, strengthen the financial architecture, and empower Nigerians sustainably, while removing the incentive for corruption. And CREDICORP is that confluence between credit, dreams, and empowerment. Every…

a tribute, By Yusuf Bangura

She was a role model, a source of good counsel when I was growing up, and a confidant when I came of age, started work, and began to raise a family… She played a big part in my childhood, ensuring…

All hail our emperor-governors, By Yusuph Olaniyonu

Emperors in ancient times – Medieval or Renaissance era – were very powerful. They exercised absolute powers in political, legal, financial, military, and religious matters. They were said to hold both imperium maius (supreme power of command) and tribunician potestas…

Transparency, key to fuel price solutions

In Nigeria, fluctuating petrol prices have long frustrated citizens, impacting everything from commuting to powering homes. The government faces immense challenges balancing affordable fuel prices with foreign exchange volatility and sustaining the oil sector. Coupled with the country’s reliance on…

Breaking the cycle of Malaria misdiagnosis in Nigeria

What is the available data on malaria telling us? According to the Primary Healthcare Performance Initiative funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, diagnostic accuracy in Nigeria is as low as 36.4%. This means that less than 4 out…

Bumbling Nigerian bureaucrats

Whitehall is a street in London that has bestowed its name on ministries of the British government. It also bestowed its practices and traditions on the civil service of Nigeria and most other Commonwealth countries. The street is now a…

Imperative of credible guber poll in Edo State

I am a psephologist, an election expert. I have had the privilege of being an accredited election observer both in Nigeria and abroad. In Nigeria, I have had the rare privilege of observing elections since the return to civil rule…

The big elephant in the room, By Ehi Braimah

NNPC Limited. Recently, Olufemi Soneye, the Chief Corporate Communications Officer of the NNPC Limited, utilised his “right-of-reply” privilege to debunk the assertions made by Dr Muiz Banire, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), when he described NNPCL as the “black…

New wine in old wine skin (1), By Jideofor Adibe

When Professor Sam Amadi, Director of the Abuja School of Social and Political Thought, and veteran public analyst, requested that I should make a presentation on the subject of ECOWAS Standby Force (ESF) in the fight against violent conflicts and…

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