Monday, July 8


President Bola Tinubu has approved the reappointment of the Director-General of the Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine Service (NAQS), Vincent Isegbe, to serve in the same capacity for another five-year term in office. The president expects that the Director-General will build on…

The bid by the Tinubu administration to ensure food security through the transformation of agricultural productivity in the country has received a major boost with a consortium of mid-sized agriculture companies pledging to support millions of farmers across different value…

The Kwara State Government on Wednesday supported 2,019 indigent farmers with agricultural asset items in the third phase of the Kwara Fadama CARES intervention. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the items received by farmers at the ceremony…

The Ekiti state government has destroyed a 20-hectare Indian hemp plantation within the Ise Forest Reserves. The plantation was set on fire by officers of the state Forestry Task Force. The government said it is fully committed to combating illegalities…

The Kano State Government through its Agro-Pastoral Development Project, (KSADP) has awarded contracts worth N3.96 billion for the construction of 60 Milk Collection Centers across the state. The contract is funded by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Lives…

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